The Cub House 3rd Annual Bike Show and Swap Meet
Sunday December 9th we will be hosting our biggest event of the year! There will be the usual food, music, sellers (not just bike stuff!), fancy beer tastings, a bike show, AND we have all kinds of new stuff going on this year, too.
11:00am - 5:00pm
2510 Mission Street
San Marino, CA 91108
This year we are also hosting a toy drive. If you can bring a new, unwrapped toy that would be awesome.
The flyer artwork by @austin_mccormick will be printed on t-shirts and for sale on Sunday. ALL procceds from sales of the t-shirts will be donated to provide relief to victims of the recent California wildfires.
We are adding a new category to the show this year - Best Bike/Car Combo.
Call or text The Cub House 626-755-3003 if you want to show a bike, car, or sell something. Spaces are filling up quickly, but we will do our best to make room for your cool stuff!